
We’re committed to your success deal after deal. You can count on our proactive efforts to make sure we close on time and every detail is done right. We understand that you need personal service and regular communication to make sure we get every deal done when you need it to be done.

We pride ourselves on great communication so you can drop the contract off and forget about it. You don’t have to worry about following up, we keep you aware of what’s happening and let you know when closing will occur.

The end result for you is smooth closings that don’t irritate any parties because of poor communication or forgotten paper work. Everything will be handled and ordered in a professional, personal manner.




Here are the promises Surfside makes to you as a Realtor:

Responsiveness and Turnaround Time – Surfside Title delivers fast turnaround times, while also giving you accurate estimates on when you can expect things to finalize.

Personal Service – We are here to serve you. Should you need information concerning ownership, transfer tax, legal descriptions, lender or other information, please let us know how we can assist you.

Regular and Timely Communication – There are many steps that must be completed in the closing process. We will provide you information in the manner in which you prefer to communicate. Some clients prefer phone calls, others prefer emails. We are committed to effectively communicating with our clients throughout the closing process.

Competitive Rates – We understand that closings costs can be burdensome to the parties involved. With this in mind, Surfside Title Services strives to offer competitive rates to keep your clients’ costs to a minimum.

Smooth Closings – With 30 years in the business, we understand what obstacles can exist in getting to the closing table. Our experienced team addresses those issues early on so that your closing can occur on time and with peace of mind.

Success Tools – We have invested in tools to help your success. You can now get instant net sheets in 30 seconds or less to share with your clients directly from our website or via our mobile app. Designed to help you get to contract even faster!

To download our mobile app: Click Here (coming soon)

To go to our calculator via desktop: Click Here